Gynaecological Leaflets

Our consultant paediatricians are on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week. They also are available in case your child ever needs hospital care.
Union Hospital has been accredited from various local and international organizations.



File Name

1 Download Edinburgh Post Partum Depression Scale
2 Maternity Package and Details
3 Cervical (Pap Smear) Screening
4 Contraceptive Methods
5 Simple Gynaecological Operation
6 Postpartum Care
7 Neonatal Jaundice
8 Vaccinations and Vitamin Injection for Infants
9 Normal Spontaneous Delivery (NSD)
10 Caesarean Section
11 Nursing Care and Observation of Breastfeeding
12 Guidelines for Husband Attending CS in OPT
Full Support for Breastfeeding
Just tell our nursery staff, you will receive our practical support for managing breastfeeding.

To learn more about breastfeeding information

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